Máquina Strength Class Schedule

Monday – Friday

Morning Hours:

  • 5:00am
  • 6:00am
  • 8:00am
  • 9:00am

Evening Hours:

  • 4:30pm
  • 5:30pm
  • 6:30pm


  • 9:00am-10:00am – Class
  • 10:15am – Yoga


When you choose a package, whether a gym membership or online training program, you will receive 7 workouts per week (with the exception of strength and power program). If you are attending our gym, depending on your package, it is up to you to attend the limit of your classes. The same goes for online training programs. If you miss any classes on a given week there are no refunds, pro-rated discounts or make up sessions the next week or at any time.

Example: Let’s say you have a 3x per week membership. On the app you will have seven workouts to choose from for the week. At the gym everyone performs the workouts as scheduled on the app from Monday – Friday (Máquina Unleashed Package includes Saturday). Can you reorganize or substitute a workout? Yes the app gives you the option to re-organize your workouts and we’ll accommodate you depending on your situation. However, if you only make it to one workout for any given week, you will not have 5 sessions the following week. You will still only have 3 sessions for any given week. You do not get a refund or pro-rated discount for missing sessions. It is your responsibility to attend the sessions allowed per your agreement.